
Тест на условные предложения в английском

Опубликовано: 21.07.2023

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Тест на условные предложения в английском

Условные предложения — одна из самых логичных грамматических тем английского языка, но она нередко вызывает трудности. Предлагаем проверить, хорошо ли вы ориентируетесь в основных типах условных предложений, умеете ли использовать смешанный тип и знаете ли, как выразить условие без if.

Часть 1

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски во фрагментах из книги Matilda by Roald Dahl («Матильда», Роальд Даль).

1. Superglue is very powerful stuff, so powerful it .... if you pull too hard.
2. I’d give it a good wash, dad, if .... , with soap and water.
3. The margarine wasn’t at all bad. She doubted whether she .... the difference if she hadn’t known.
4. But if .... , Miss Honey, then surely the house goes automatically to you.
5. .... if I ate my supper in the dining-room?
6. She .... him if he wins.
7. If you .... casually and talked to her, you would have thought she was a perfectly normal five-and-a-half-year-old child.
8. If you don’t like it, then .... the food in this house.
9. If .... right, it ought to be £4,303.50.
10. If you had a heart attack this minute and had to call a doctor, that doctor .... a university graduate.

Источник: All Free Novel

Часть 2

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски на картинках.

am going to
will be to
is probably not
probably won’t be
probably not
wouldn’t be
wouldn’t have been
won’t be
had hurt
would have hurt
would get
would have got
will step
would have got
would get
had got
don’t care
didn’t care
won’t care
hadn’t been
wouldn’t be

Источник: GoComics

Если вам сложно определиться, когда и какой тип условных предложений использовать, записывайтесь на интенсив от методистов «Инглекс». За три занятия вы поймете разницу между условными предложениями разных типов, запомните их формулы и начнете использовать в речи.

Часть 3

Выберите подходящие слова и выражения для отрывков из новостных статей.

1. He said “500” and wrote the figure down .... we misunderstood.
2. A charity that bought people’s contact details would contact them .... they had given specific consent.
3. .... that we survive long enough to develop such machines. How will we communicate with them?
4. All sectors which are permitted to open by law can remain so .... that they meet Covid-19 secure guidance.
5. I’d still live modestly .... I was paid big sums.
6. .... as you handle cooked rice properly, there’s no reason to be afraid of reheating it.
7. Mike Ashley will meet MPs on .... they visit Sports Direct.
8. I would have overlooked such a rare crab species .... for the expertise of the staff at Devon Wildlife Trust.
9. Citizens will face daily standing-charge increases of up to 100%, .... or not they turn on their radiators.
10. If .... for our CEO’s efforts, we would have lost the building.

Источник: The Guardian

Часть 4

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски в отрывках из новостных статей.

1. .... residents had paid taxes for a number of years in a given city, they would be unable to buy property.
2. A tank containing about 100 gallons of water is on hand .... they find themselves dealing with fire themselves.
3. A three-person arbitration panel would resolve Swiss-EU disputes, .... that issues relating to EU law were referred to the European Court of Justice.
4. .... as companies are transparent about their progress, and communicate that in a transparent way, they can’t go wrong.
5. .... she moved back to Canada or the US, McCarthy may have had a chance to reclaim her fortune.
6. .... you never have enough money, it ceases to have meaning.
7. .... we get the green light from the landlord, are there any costs that are likely to be involved?
8. Such changes, .... they to happen, would elicit an angry response.
9. Al-Kasim and his family wouldn’t have left Iraq .... their son’s medical problems.
10. Charges will be dropped, .... he does not break the law in the next year.

Источник: FT

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