
Тест по теме «Времена английского языка»

Опубликовано: 21.04.2023

Проверьте, насколько хорошо вы разбираетесь в английских временах — знаете, когда и какое использовать.

Тест по теме «Времена английского языка»

Если вы разбираетесь во временах английского, то понимаете, по какому принципу нейтивы строят предложения, и можете корректно донести свою мысль. Предлагаем проверить, хорошо ли вы ориентируетесь в способах выражения прошлого, настоящего и будущего в английском языке. Тесты составлены от простого к сложному.

Часть 1

Дополните фразы из книги Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling («Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти», Дж. К. Роулинг).

Выберите верные варианты.
1. Before the night is out, Potter .... to find me.
2. He noticed a small sponge in her hand: she .... his face.
3. If I die a natural death like Ignotus, its power .... .
4. If he had only managed to kill the snake, it .... worth it.
5. It’ll be one of those goblin stories about how the wizards .... to get one over on them.
6. They found Hermione downstairs in the kitchen, she .... coffee and hot rolls by Kreacher.
7. I .... to Downing Street; I should have been there an hour ago.
8. I don’t think Luna .... here for weeks: her clothes are gone.
9. They .... a long journey; Auntie Muriel’s not that far from here.
10. It’s a proper hideout, as long as one of us .... in here, they can’t get at us, the door won’t open.

Источник: AllNovel

Часть 2

Вставьте верные формы глаголов, чтобы заполнить пропуски на картинках.

Выберите подходящий ответ.
am forgetting
am calling
have been calling
had brought
will enjoy
are enjoying
will be enjoy
have proofread
will proofread
were shaking
had been shaking
have been wearing
are wearing
have been worn
would happen
will happen
had left
have left
will be visiting
will have visited
will visit

Источник: IntrovertDoodles

Часть 3

Подберите верные временные маркеры, чтобы дополнить цитаты из произведений известных писателей.

Дополните предложения.
1. Last night I thought about all the kerosene I’ve used .... .
2. Some of them are things that look like things people used to be scared of .... .
3. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it .... .
4. This is the land I have been looking for .... .
5. Here were we two, who had never seen each other .... .
6. The child was waiting patiently at the Bright River station .... .
7. It is the crops next year, it is the comfort that will come .... .
8. Sitting in a chair and thinking is precisely what Orlando is doing .... .
9. When I look at you, I am frightened by the knowledge that all this will be ending .... .
10. Had I done this two centuries ago, I would have made the discovery .... .

Источник: Goodreads

Часть 4

Прочитайте текст и дополните предложения.

Выберите верные варианты.
Recently it was announced that the novels of Roald Dahl .... to eliminate words, phrases and sentiments that readers might find upsetting.
I .... it’s wrong to rewrite the words of an author without the author’s permission. If the writer has used language that has gone out of use, it’s important to tell young readers that people .... about other people in ways that were wrong. If Dahl says a character is ugly, it’s a teachable moment. By the time kids are old enough to read these books, they .... the word ugly. We can talk about the word and its uses and the pain it can inflict.
Let’s ignore the question of whether a child .... a bully, a misogynist, a racist or a serial killer after reading a Roald Dahl novel. If I .... where trouble starts, I’d check the families before the bookshelves.
Fortunately, the announcement of the Dahl revision generated considerable heat from some of the writer’s notable fans. The plan .... , and the books will continue to be available in the familiar versions, bad words and all.
Censors .... to edit and revise history now. The changes that almost altered Dahl novels .... young readers believing that people never said fat or ugly and were always kind and nice, just as they are today.
We don’t want our children and grandchildren exposed, before they .... to be, to the horrors of the not-nice world. But we also don’t want them to get accustomed to being lied to.

Источник: The Guardian

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