
Тест для уровня Advanced

Опубликовано: 18.08.2023

Проверьте словарный запас, знание грамматики, навыки чтения и аудирования.

Тест для уровня Advanced

На уровне Advanced студент отлично разбирается в нюансах грамматики и употребляет сложные конструкции, имеет обширный словарный запас и может говорить на любую тему, способен читать неадаптированную литературу и смотреть фильмы и видео в оригинале. Предлагаем проверить себя с помощью нашего теста, который состоит из четырех частей: грамматика, лексика, чтение и аудирование.

Часть 1: грамматика для Advanced

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски.

The screenwriter Abi Morgan works in a small flat above a perfumery in Islington, north London. Its rooms are, for a writer, extraordinarily tidy. The casual visitor would not think for a single moment of fraught commissioning meetings and hurtling deadlines .... the little squares of paper that line one wall.
Morgan .... her first book, This Is Not a Pity Memoir. It begins on a day like any other. On this morning, her husband, who has MS*, doesn’t feel fantastic. When she arrives home, Jacob is lying on the bathroom floor. In hospital, he has a series of seizures and his behaviour grows so strange and erratic that he is soon transferred to the intensive therapy unit. .... before she learns that the withdrawal of a supposed wonder drug for MS has caused his collapse (he is one of just 22 patients .... this catastrophic response). Finally, it is decided: Jacob .... into an induced coma for seven months.
Morgan doesn’t, to put it mildly, go in for self-pity. .... huge her heart – her book, not without reason, is billed by its publisher as a love story — there’s no denying that it also contains an icy chip that makes pretty much everything fair game. “My sister was its first reader, then my children, then Jacob’s family; I knew before I took it to any publisher they all had to be comfortable. But I’m also a dramatist and Jacob is an actor. We .... fascinated not only with other people’s lives, but with our own, too.”
Writing the book was more than a creative act. “Primarily, I did it because I .... my mind and I was trying to hold on to my sanity,” she says. And then there was Jacob. Not only .... to write down what he’d missed, all the stuff he would never remember. She longed to be able to talk to him. “I grimace slightly when I see it called a love story. But it is. If it’s brutal, the person .... is me.”

*MS — multiple sclerosis

Источник: The Guardian

Часть 2: лексика для Advanced

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски на картинках.

couch potato
cushion potato
coach potato
hearing aid
listening device
on my hands
in my arms
on my palms

Источник: GoComics

Часть 3: чтение для Advanced

Прочитайте текст и выберите верные варианты.

Rare Giacometti chandelier bought for £250 in London set to sell for millions

Источник: The Guardian

Лексика из текста

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
o make the right call сделать правильный выбор
a hunch чутье
to revere обожать, боготворить
a conservative baseline скромная исходная цифра
a light fitting осветительный прибор
to grace украшать
defunct закрывшийся, недействующий
provenance происхождение предмета антиквариата (провенанс)

John Craxton bought the chandelier because … .
he had a gut feeling that it was of great value
he knew it was worth millions of pounds
it was sold at the sale price of £250
The chandelier is likely to be sold … .
for at least 1.5 —2.5 million pounds
for no more than 2.5 million pounds
for around 7 million pounds
Having bought the chandelier, Craxton … .
kept it for the rest of his life
resold it immediately
gave it to his friend
Alberto Giacometti made the chandelier … .
as he got a commission from Peter Watson
for a famous publishing house
to put it up for sale
Peter Watson was … .
an art collector
an investor and philanthropist
a well-known newspaper editor
Peter Watson’s collection consisted of … .
works made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
exclusively British art
classical artworks
It … to prove that the chandelier was genuine.
involved a lot of effort
didn’t take long
didn’t present any difficulties
The chandelier is considered to be … .
one of the sculptor’s greatest works
the only work featuring a suspended ball
mediocre when compared with other artworks
The chandelier ended up in the antiques shop … .
under unknown circumstances
by mistake
as a donation from Peter Watson
Alberto Giacometti … .
created only a few chandeliers in his lifetime
was particularly famous for his chandeliers
was never celebrated for his light fittings

Часть 4: аудирование для Advanced

Посмотрите видео об истории брака и ответьте на вопросы.

Лексика из видео

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
pair bonding образование пар
sedentary оседлый
adultery измена
a concubine младшая жена, наложница
a commoner человек незнатного происхождения
the tables were turned все было наоборот
deceased умерший
(a) lineage род, родственная линия
to appease успокаивать, ублажать
at stake на кону

Why was marriage important 10,000 years ago?
It was a way of establishing ownership of land.
It helped to divide tasks in agricultural societies.
Unmarried people weren’t allowed to have children.
When did marriage become an official institution?
Earlier than 2000 BC.
In 2100 AD.
10,000 years ago.
What was the attitude to polygamy in ancient times?
It was acceptable in many civilizations.
It was strictly prohibited.
There’s no data as to whether it was allowed or not.
How many wives could ancient elites afford?
They had numerous partners.
They were mostly monogamous.
They could have not more than two partners.
What was special about marriage in the Himalayan Mountains?
All men in a family could have the same wife.
There were mostly same-sex unions.
A woman could marry her brothers.
Why were ghost marriages conducted?
To pacify the wandering souls of the dead.
To prove the existence of love in the afterlife.
To discontinue family traditions.
What did most marriages of the past have in common?
Matches were practical and well thought-out.
People were tolerant of adultery.
Everybody could marry whoever they wanted.
What is the modern idea of marriage?
It is based on mutual affection.
It is an act of cold calculation.
It is a thing of the past.
How have familial relationships changed over time?
People don’t rush into starting a family.
People get divorced less these days.
People care more about the social status of their partners.
What influences the ideas of marriage?
Transformations in society’s beliefs and pursuits.
The economic and political situation in the world.
The standard of living in developed societies.

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