
Тест для уровня Intermediate

Опубликовано: 07.04.2023

Проверка знаний для студентов, изучающих английский на уровне Intermediate.

Тест для уровня Intermediate

На уровне Intermediate студент может поддержать разговор на бытовые и профессиональные темы, понимает на слух речь в обычном темпе, уверенно читает несложные тексты и разбирается в основах и некоторых нюансах английской грамматики. Проверить свои знания и навыки вы можете с помощью нашего теста, который включает задания на грамматику, лексику, чтение и аудирование.

Часть 1: грамматика для Intermediate

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски.
The last haircut I had was in .... summer of 1978, done by one of my colleagues at the barbershop in Worcester. Then a month or two later, I got very sick. I .... in an isolation ward in the local hospital. And when I came home, my hair went pretty thin. I have been compared to a spaniel: if you own a long-haired dog, you don’t always .... trim their hair because it can break off naturally. I’m not bothered about my hair. If I had been, I .... more about it over the years.
I .... hair at Skan’s in Worcester for 50 years. The barbershop .... in 1848, and when I arrived there in the 70s, it was run by the founder’s youngest son. When I got the job, I said to him I wasn’t sure how long I .... , and he replied: “They die in my shop.” I thought about those words this year when I decided .... ; it was about time. We’ve had a good community of customers over the years. Imran Khan, the prime minister of Pakistan, used to .... here as a teenager, because his boarding school was nearby, and Neil Fox, the radio DJ, also came here.
I don’t think I’m going to change much in retirement, and I certainly don’t plan on getting a haircut. It .... in the next few years anyway.

Источник: The Guardian

Часть 2: лексика для Intermediate

Выберите верный вариант, чтобы заполнить пропуск на картинке.
setting up
out of
out off
out from

Источник: GoComics

Часть 3: чтение для Intermediate

Прочитайте текст и выберите верные варианты.

Desperate to get fit but hate doing it in public? Here are seven ways to beat gymtimidation

Источник: The Guardian

Лексика из текста

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
to be desperate to страстно хотеть, отчаянно стремиться
as opposed to в отличие от, нежели
a circuit (training) круговая тренировка
(a) kit спортивное снаряжение
the lingo жаргон
to fine-tune прорабатывать, доводить до совершенства
a squat приседание
biased предвзятый
intimidating устрашающий
a weight plate диск штанги

Gymtimidation refers to the situation when … .
you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious working out among other people
you aren’t willing to do exercise because of laziness
you are afraid that other people might complain about you
Going to the gym for the first time … .
might be frightening
is easy for everyone
never ends well
Emilie changed her gym because … .
some people behaved inappropriately
the staff weren’t attentive
there were only men
Group activities … .
can help you see going to the gym as something positive
make your gym experience more uncomfortable
are more about making friends than doing exercise
Developing the habit of going to the gym … .
can take more than two months
usually takes about two-three weeks
rarely takes more than 66 days
Thomas had a negative gym experience because … .
he wasn’t sure how to use the equipment
he didn’t know where he could exercise
he felt shy to talk to his personal trainer
You need to learn how to … .
work out properly
rest at home after training
breathe while exercising
It’s better to get a personal trainer if … .
you have enough money
you want to be the centre of attention
you can’t motivate yourself
At first, gym sessions … .
give stable results
are ineffective
make you feel worse
If you don’t like a particular type of exercise, … .
try doing something else
keep doing it until you start to enjoy it
you’re not motivated enough

Часть 4: аудирование для Intermediate

Посмотрите видео о том, как экономить деньги, и ответьте на вопросы.

Лексика из видео

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
to cut back on сокращать
to clip coupons отрезать купоны
price per unit цена за единицу товара
to offer an incentive стимулировать, побуждать
a trade-off уступка, компромисс
to toss out выбрасывать
a utility company коммунальная компания
substantially значительно
a utility bill квитанция на оплату коммунальных услуг
to ditch отказаться от, избавиться от
to follow sbd into sth вовлечься в
a temptation искушение
to do the math подсчитывать, делать выводы
over the long run в долгосрочной перспективе
to trim costs сокращать расходы

How can you save money?
By eating home-made food at work.
By cutting down on drinks like coffee.
By going to the company cafeteria.
Which is the right way to cut down on your shopping bill?
To set priorities and stick to them.
To buy everything that is offered at a discount.
To choose only organic products.
Which fact about supermarkets is true?
They encourage you to buy things you don’t need.
They make you pay more for the products you like.
They trick customers into choosing only junk food.
Which useful habit was mentioned in the video?
Switching off the lights.
Never leaving the water running.
Using energy-efficient light bulbs.
Which fact about utility companies is false?
They don’t recommend doing the laundry late at night.
They charge more during peak hours.
They can provide information about their rates and peak hours.
Why is it better to run your dishwasher early in the morning?
You can avoid getting huge utility bills.
You need less electricity.
The earlier it is, the better it works.
How can you save on transportation?
You can use buses or trams.
You can use an electric car.
You can ride a motorbike.
Why is cycling better than other kinds of transportation?
You can save money and keep fit.
It’s cheap and easy to use.
You can rent it at a good price.
How to spend less on entertainment?
Think about all activities in advance.
Create unusual ways to have a great time.
Be more spontaneous.
What does the author advise at the end of the video?
Keep track of your spending and learn to plan ahead.
Sacrifice fun to save more money.
Never go out with your family and friends.

Если хотите узнать, как учить английский на среднем уровне, читайте нашу статью «Английский для продолжающих: как повысить уровень знаний».

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