Задания на проверку знаний грамматики, лексики, навыков чтения и аудирования.
На уровне Proficiency студент легко ориентируется во всех грамматических конструкциях английского языка, использует разговорную, официальную и профессиональную лексику, хорошо улавливает речь на слух, читает тексты любого уровня сложности, в том числе классическую литературу и научные труды.
Проверьте, удалось ли вам достичь этого уровня — пройдите тест из четырех частей: грамматика, лексика, чтение и аудирование.
Часть 1: грамматика для Proficiency
Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски.
This year I signed up for a Goodreads challenge. I decided on the number of books I want to read over the next 12 months and very quietly I am working towards meeting my target.
The games, challenges and competitions start with gusto in January. .... have we dusted ourselves down from everyone’s “best books of the year” than we’re thrown straight into a literary Alton Towers with an endless choice of book rides on which to hop. You can .... stories set in certain time periods or in particular countries, books within specific genres, or even novels only with yellow covers.
This all .... great fun, but there are certain people who frown upon such frivolity. Perhaps they don’t believe that games and literature is a wise combination. But the human brain loves a game. Most people are very goal-focused, because reaching a specific target releases a healthy dollop of dopamine into our system. .... I visit my Goodreads page, I feel extremely comforted by my little percentage bar.
While I believe these competitions are harmless, .... always the very real danger of reading becoming a competitive sport. A few years ago, when I worked as a doctor in the stressful environment of a hospital ward, at the end of a shift my mind felt far too full to do much reading. Getting through one book a month was hard enough, and if .... overhear someone was planning on reading 300 books in a year, I would have felt like a failure. But a harmless reading game .... me just the distraction I needed.
Reading challenges are becoming increasingly popular, and .... not to everyone’s taste, they are succeeding in encouraging more people to read, which is no mean feat in a world with so many distractions. A book game could make an avid reader out of someone who .... picking up a book before. No matter .... , that’s got to be a win.