
Тест для уровня Proficiency

Опубликовано: 15.09.2023

Задания на проверку знаний грамматики, лексики, навыков чтения и аудирования.

Тест для владеющих английским на уровне носителя

На уровне Proficiency студент легко ориентируется во всех грамматических конструкциях английского языка, использует разговорную, официальную и профессиональную лексику, хорошо улавливает речь на слух, читает тексты любого уровня сложности, в том числе классическую литературу и научные труды.

Проверьте, удалось ли вам достичь этого уровня — пройдите тест из четырех частей: грамматика, лексика, чтение и аудирование.

Часть 1: грамматика для Proficiency

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски.

This year I signed up for a Goodreads challenge. I decided on the number of books I want to read over the next 12 months and very quietly I am working towards meeting my target.
The games, challenges and competitions start with gusto in January. .... have we dusted ourselves down from everyone’s “best books of the year” than we’re thrown straight into a literary Alton Towers with an endless choice of book rides on which to hop. You can .... stories set in certain time periods or in particular countries, books within specific genres, or even novels only with yellow covers.
This all .... great fun, but there are certain people who frown upon such frivolity. Perhaps they don’t believe that games and literature is a wise combination. But the human brain loves a game. Most people are very goal-focused, because reaching a specific target releases a healthy dollop of dopamine into our system. .... I visit my Goodreads page, I feel extremely comforted by my little percentage bar.
While I believe these competitions are harmless, .... always the very real danger of reading becoming a competitive sport. A few years ago, when I worked as a doctor in the stressful environment of a hospital ward, at the end of a shift my mind felt far too full to do much reading. Getting through one book a month was hard enough, and if .... overhear someone was planning on reading 300 books in a year, I would have felt like a failure. But a harmless reading game .... me just the distraction I needed.
Reading challenges are becoming increasingly popular, and .... not to everyone’s taste, they are succeeding in encouraging more people to read, which is no mean feat in a world with so many distractions. A book game could make an avid reader out of someone who .... picking up a book before. No matter .... , that’s got to be a win.

Источник: The Guardian

Часть 2: лексика для Proficiency

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски на картинках.

cut out
made out
meant out
the flow
the blow
the glow
to shove
to press
to thrust
out of hand
out of mind
out of character
sleep on
doze on
snooze on
memory lane
memory path
memory way

Источник: GoComics

Часть 3: чтение для Proficiency

Прочитайте текст и выберите верные варианты.

general-test-for-proficiency-level<img loading=

Источник: The Economist

After the global financial crisis real estate sales … .
levelled off
Homeowners … the prevailing trend in the housing market.
are not in favour of
are indifferent to
Owing to policy tightening some commercial banks … .
closed down
suffered marginal issues
Investors expect house prices to … .
Fixed-rate mortgages … .
can normally provide only short-term protection
guarantee that instalment terms never change
are confined to US citizens
During the pandemic buyers in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Sweden … .
jumped at the economical credit opportunities
hesitated to take out high-interest loans
were wary of getting low-cost credit
The early adjusters are bound to … .
experience further slumps in prices
fail to stay afloat
waltz through the economic challenges
The prices in France are expected to decrease … .
Britain’s homebuilders aren’t … .
upbeat about the current situation in the housing market
enticing buyers into taking out mortgages
going to fall short of the mark
Newly minted homeowners … .
have to contend with exorbitant instalments
are exempt from property taxes
tend to opt for detached houses

Часть 4: аудирование для Proficiency

Посмотрите видео о средневековых мифах и ответьте на вопросы.

When did the Middle Ages commence?
Around 500 AD.
Around 1000 AD.
Around 1500 AD.
Which statement about medieval people is true?
They were erroneously presumed to be illiterate.
Their knowledge of astronomy was extremely poor.
They had nowhere to go to receive education.
Did medieval people eat decaying meat?
They steered clear of such food.
They consumed it in large quantities.
Rarely since it was a costly delicacy.
Which method of food preservation was utilized in the Middle Ages?
How did medieval people maintain personal hygiene?
They had an array of toiletries made of natural ingredients.
They used mouthwash containing fat, ash and scented herbs.
They regularly took baths at their homes.
Which of the statements about medieval legal proceedings is false?
They were as macabre as people believe them to have been.
They were more humane and lenient than their popularized image.
They often included incarceration, humiliation and fines.
Which kind of corporal punishment existed in the Middle Ages?
Drawing and quartering.
The pear of anguish.
What is known about chastity belts?
The very idea was intended as a joke.
They were widespread in the Middle Ages.
They were invented and produced in Germany.
When did the idea of a distinct period referred to as “the Middle Ages” become popular?
In the 15th and 16th centuries.
In the 19th and 20th centuries.
In the 17th and 18th centuries.
What opinion did Enlightenment thinkers have of medieval people?
They ridiculed their superstitious beliefs.
They considered them chivalrous.
They commended them for their wit and wisdom.

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