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Тест для уровня Upper-Intermediate

Опубликовано: 26.05.2023

Проверьте знание лексики и грамматики, а также навыки чтения и аудирования.

Тест для уровня Upper-Intermediate

На уровне Upper-Intermediate студент хорошо разбирается в грамматике, однако может не знать или путать сложные конструкции, имеет богатый словарный запас, уверенно разговаривает на большинство тем и понимает речь носителей, способен читать и понимать неадаптированную литературу и зарубежные новостные источники, хотя и встречает немало незнакомых слов и выражений. Предлагаем проверить свои силы и пройти тест, который включает четыре части: грамматика, лексика, чтение и аудирование.

Часть 1: грамматика для Upper-Intermediate

Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски на картинках.

Выберите подходящий ответ.
would be
would have been
will be
falling asleep
to fall asleep
fall asleep
get used to being
used to be
get used to be
so that
in order to
if he should
should he
he should
will be arriving
will have arrived
will be arrived
are supposed to be
suppose to be
supposed to be
So did I
Neither did I
So do I
should have called
should called
should be called
much the same as
as same as
the same than

Источник: Geek Culture

Часть 2: лексика для Upper-Intermediate

Прочитайте текст и выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски.

Выберите подходящий ответ.
Stage performers have only one opportunity to hit the nail .... so it is vital to have a solid voice and know their lines. You wouldn't want the audience leaving the show having .... what you had just said for the past two hours.
On screen, characters have many chances to get a scene right. They can do several takes. If an actor messes up, the lines can always be fixed in post or, .... scenario, an actor can always go back into the studio to re-record their lines or clean up sound issues.
Stage performers should be quick-witted and able to think .... , on the off chance that something unexpected happens.
Theatre directors spend many hours during many nights over .... many weeks working with their actors. In most cases, it is the director who casts the actors for a stage production so they are familiar with what the actors are capable of and what they bring .... and they work closely with them to build on that.
Film shoots are .... for time. Time is money. A location is rented for a set amount of hours on a particular day and a director has to get as much filming done as possible within that set amount of time.
Stage actors get the luxury of “word .... ” selling tickets for them. If five people like the show tonight, that might lead to 25 new people buying tickets tomorrow night. They get many chances to win people over and create a fan base.
Film actors get no feedback until the job is done, everything has been put into its final place and the finished product is released. They sit back with their .... and hope the critics love what they've done. They get one shot to make it or .... .

Источник: Vocal

Часть 3: чтение для Upper-Intermediate

Прочитайте текст и выберите верные варианты.

Sleeping late isn’t a sign of laziness. Stop the circadian-rhythm shaming

Источник: The Guardian

Лексика из текста

a circadian rhythmциркадный ритм, биологические часы
genetic makeupгенетическое строение
to seize the dayловить момент
the snooze alarmповтор сигнала будильника
to be racked withтерзаться
a lapseоплошность, провал
inherentlyпо своей природе
to align withсоответствовать
rigidстрогий, негибкий
to adhere toпридерживаться
conclusiveнеоспоримый, исчерпывающий
the upshotитог, вывод
to go easy onбыть помягче с

Выберите подходящий ответ.
According to the title, late sleepers are … .
not necessarily lazy
usually lazy
actually very hardworking
One of new year’s resolutions might be to … .
become an early bird
stay in bed as long as possible
sleep fewer hours
Late risers’ sleep-wake schedule can make … .
them experience negative emotions
it difficult for them to be ethical
people around them feel guilty
Being a night owl is … .
associated with unwillingness to work or be active
a serious medical disorder
something people should be ashamed of
Benjamin Franklin claimed that … .
early risers felt better
early birds earned less
late risers were cleverer
It is estimated that … are early risers.
more often than not people
only a minority of people
around 10-15% of the population
Starting work later is better because … .
you are more likely to have a good night’s sleep
most people are night owls
you don’t have to commute to work
A mismatch between one’s circadian rhythm and work schedule … .
can lead to health problems
affects one’s career prospects
makes it hard to do everything on time
Late rising … .
alone is not proved to affect people’s mental health
is sure to cause depression
results in people falling behind schedule
Early birds should … .
accept the fact that being a night owl is normal
praise night owls for adhering to their body clocks
follow night owls’ example and go to bed later

Часть 4: аудирование для Upper-Intermediate

Посмотрите интервью с бывшим американским мошенником Фрэнком Абигнейлом и ответьте на вопросы.

Лексика из видео

to rip offобманывать, надувать
to write off asсписать на, объяснять
to defraudобманывать, разводить
devastatingгубительный, тяжелый
to win overпокорять, располагать к себе
compassionсочувствие, жалость
to string alongводить за нос, дурачить
to empowerдать возможность, побуждать

Выберите подходящий ответ.
What does Frank say about modern scammers?
Their tools are more complicated compared to the ones used in the past.
Their methods are no different from those used decades ago.
The tricks they use are not persuasive.
How has the Internet changed the criminal world?
It’s easier to get away with your crimes now.
Scammers need to be as far as possible from their victims.
Due to the lack of emotion it’s harder to trick people into doing what you want.
What is Frank’s attitude to scams?
They are severe wrongdoings.
They are petty crimes.
They are not major offences.
Which statement describes conmen of the past?
They came across as nice people and excellent orators.
They were smartly dressed but had poor communication skills.
They showed no sympathy and seemed to like nobody.
Who can fall victim to fraud?
Anyone regardless of your social status.
Only uneducated people from the lower class.
Mostly wealthy senior citizens.
Why don’t people report scams?
They are afraid of being made fun of.
They are terrified that the criminals will take revenge on them.
They don’t care about their personal finances.
How does Frank describe a common victim of scams?
A widowed old person who lives on their own.
A retired bachelor.
A middle-aged woman without a family.
What does educating people on scams and safety imply?
Making them aware of fraudsters’ tricks.
Giving them tools to trick scammers.
Granting them power to punish criminals.
Who can we rely on?
Nobody but ourselves.
The government, the police and our bank.
Intelligent people around us.
How to become a smarter individual?
Learn how not to fall for fraud yourself.
Get a degree in information security.
Rely on experts to educate you.

Надеемся, тест оказался полезен и вы продуктивно и интересно провели время. А если хотите узнать, как дальше строить свое обучение, чтобы покорить продвинутый уровень, рекомендуем нашу статью «Как учить английский на высоком уровне + 65 ресурсов».

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