
Бесплатный вводный
урок c Genevieve

Стаж: 9 лет
Образование: Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication
Сертификаты: TEFL

Hello, my name is Genevieve. I have been teaching English for approximately three and a half years.  I have completed my TEFL course and am a native English speaker from South Africa. I have a BA in Information Technology from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

I have a very large family and we are scattered all over the world, Los Angeles, Belgium, Rotterdam and across South Africa. This gives me the opportunity to travel and this is also how my love for languages began.

I have been teaching Chinese students in Beijing and am aware of the challenges of learning a new language. My classes are fun and creative, and I am a patient teacher who believes in constant positive reinforcement.

I am especially good at motivating my students to realize their full potential and my classes are interactive and very enjoyable.

Whatever it is that you want to learn, I am here to assist you in achieving your goals.

I hope to meet you soon and start the incredible journey of learning English.

  • Разговорная практика
Гульнара Телькараева
Бухгалтер, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Уверенно чувствую себя в англоязычных дискуссиях

Благодарю преподавателя Genevieve и школу «Инглекс» за интересные темы и эффективное обучение разговорному языку. Занятия проходили легко, приятно и мотивировали меня к обучению. В результате постоянного общения c преподавателем я стала гораздо увереннее чувствовать себя в англоязычных дискуссиях на работе. Рекомендую Genevieve как позитивного, тактичного и эффективного преподавателя.

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