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урок c Luis

Стаж: 12 лет
Образование: Master of Arts in Philosophy
Сертификаты: TESOL

Hello Everyone, my name is Luis. I was born and raised mostly in the United States in Roswell, New Mexico but I spent a good part of my childhood summers living in my grandparents village in the mountains of northern Mexico. 

I am both a native speaker of English and Spanish. I received both a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in Philosophy from San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California, USA. I also received my certificates to teach English as a second language in San Francisco.

I have taught English and Philosophy in various countries around the world including Costa Rica,  Japan, the Czech Republic and the US. All told, I have about 11 years teaching English so I am quite familiar with trying to figure out the needs of non-native speakers of English around the world.

As a teacher, I am patient and empathetic toward the needs of my students of English and I also make every effort to make my lessons personable and fun. Whether its vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation, I focus on making sure these concepts are used almost immediately in conversation and speaking.

Look forward to meeting you and having some great lessons with you.

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