I am TEFL qualified and have been teaching English since 2006; mostly at schools based in Krakow, Poland, where I have lived since 2005, after moving from Canterbury, UK. I am experienced with both young and older students, from elementary to advanced level and using a wide range of material focused mainly on everyday and Business English. In my capacity as a TEFL teacher, I do my utmost to meet the demands of the students and help them fulfill their requirements or objectives in as professional yet relaxed way as possible.
I am very patient, easy-going and open-minded. Lessons should be as enjoyable as possible because, for me, learning should be partly about fun and with as little stress as possible. In my experience, students tend to learn more when they feel comfortable and when a good and healthy relationship with the teacher has been forged. I like to think I am very understanding of an individual student’s needs and capabilities.
Of course, like all jobs, teaching can be demanding and tiring at times, but it is very rewarding and brings with it the very basic challenge of helping somebody to develop and use their English skills. I am very happy to play a part in this process.
- Общий английский
- Английский для менеджеров
- Разговорная практика
- Подготовка к собеседованию

У преподавателя Ричарда очень интересный и эффективный метод работы. На уроке мы выбираем какую-нибудь тему (от социальных проблем до обсуждения любимых ресторанов) и обсуждаем её. Во время обсуждения преподаватель вводит новую мне лексику, разъясняет тонкости в употреблении тех или иных фраз и слов. После занятия Ричард дает мне задание написать маленькое эссе по этой теме. Я добилась своего результата: мой словарный запас увеличился и грамотность повысилась!