Тест на знание разницы между used to, be used to и get used to.
Конструкции used to, be used to и get used to часто вызывают путаницу, поскольку во всех случаях речь идет о привычках. Однако различия все-таки есть, причем как смысловые, так и грамматические. Предлагаем выполнить четыре задания и проверить, правильно ли вы используете эти конструкции.
Часть 1
Выберите верные варианты, чтобы заполнить пропуски в постах из социальных сетей.
Выберите подходящий ответ.
used to laugh
used to laughing
am used to laughing
to get used to writing
used to writing
to getting used to writing
was used to studying
was used to study
used to studying
never used to be
am never used to being
never used to being
will get used to
will used to
will use to
are used to it
used to it
are being used to it
got used to it
are used to it
used to it
used to be
were used to be
used to being
is still getting used to teaching
is still being used to teaching
is still getting used to teach
is not used to me being
is not used to be
is not used to me be
Источник: Reddit
Часть 2
Дополните фразы из книги The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien («Властелин колец», Джона Толкина).
Выберите подходящий ответ.
I learned it from Mr Bilbo when I was a lad; he ... me tales like that.
used to tell
was used to telling
got used to telling
The gathering was large and mixed, as Frodo discovered, when his eyes ... the light.
got used to
used to
was used to
We ... footpads in this country, but we know how to deal with them.
are not used to
doesn’t get used to
used to
But what has happened to the water, I cannot guess; it ... swift and noisy.
used to be
got used to
was used to
They had become so ... warfare that they had quite forgotten that the helms of Gondor would seem outlandish in their own country.
used to
used to doing
got used to
I hope he will be happy, when he ... on his own.
gets used to being
used to
will be
Sam, ... waited on, looked with some surprise at the tall man.
not used to being
doesn’t used to
got used to
Frodo kept up the custom of giving Bilbo’s Birthday Party year after year until they ... it.
got used to
used to
are used to
There ... a shallow valley beyond the falls; let us go and see what things are like now!
used to be
are used to
got used to
The hobbits felt refreshed, as if they had had a night of unbroken sleep; they ... much walking on short commons.
were getting used to
used to
getting used to
Источник: Goodreads
Часть 3
Заполните пропуски в цитатах писателей.
Выберите верные варианты.
1. I .... interviewers that I wrote every day except for Christmas, the Fourth of July, and my birthday. That was a lie.
2. We have to .... the idea that at the most important crossroads in our life there are no signs.
3. I .... loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.
4. So many things you promise yourself you .... , and then you do.
5. He was not much good at cutting up meat, .... it delivered by the butcher all ready to cook.
6. He was like a man who .... the finest wine, and now finds that everyday wine tastes like vinegar.
7. Alec .... a combination of affection and annoyance toward the people he loved.
8. A person .... alone, but break it just for a day and you have to get used to it again.
9. Love is all beautiful! I .... that! I was a fool!
10. That was the problem with .... people — you had to miss them when they were gone.
Источник: Goodreads
Часть 4
Подберите верные описания к фотографиям.
Выберите подходящий ответ.
I’m used to having lunch in a nice café.
I used to eat out, but now I don’t.
I’ve got used to cooking lunch myself.
I can’t get used to being away from home, so I text my family every day.
I’m not used to texting in bed.
I used to have an iPhone, but now I prefer Android phones.
I’m getting used to doing morning exercise.
I’m used to working out outdoors.
I used to do yoga when I was a student, but now I like aerobics.
I can’t get used to my new responsibilities at work.
I’m used to working late hours. I feel productive.
I used to have a lot of stress at work, but now I’m relaxed.
I was used to doing homework by myself.
My parents used to help me with homework when I was a boy.
I never used to be given homework in primary school.
I have to get used to using public transport.
I never used to have a car, but now I can drive wherever I want.
I’m used to using the Underground. It’s very convenient.
I never used to have hand sanitizer at home, but now it’s a must.
I’m not used to cleaning my hands after going for a walk.
I’m getting used to washing my hands instead of using hand sanitizer.
My mom used to read books to me when I was little.
I wasn’t used to spending time with my mom.
I quickly got used to reading on my own.
I’ve got used to getting up early.
I used to be an early bird, but now nothing can wake me up before noon.
I’m used to sleeping with the curtains closed at night.
I’m not used to being filmed, so I’m a bit nervous.
I used to be an actor, but now I’m a cameraman.
I’ll have to get used to the attention of the paparazzi.
Источник: Unsplash
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